jeudi 21 juin 2007

"Bahá'u'lláh tells us that prejudice in its various forms destroys the edifice of humanity. We are adjured by the Divine Messenger to eliminate all forms of prejudices from our lives. Our outer lives must show forth our beliefs.

The world must see that, regardless of each passing whim or current fashion of the generality ofmankind the Bahá'í lives his life according tothe tenets of his Faith.
We must not allow thefear of rejection by our friends and neighbours
to deter us from our goal to live the Bahá'í life.
Let us strive to blot out from lives every last trace of prejudice-racial, religious, political, economic, national, tribal, class, cultural, and that which is based on differences of education or age.
We shall be distinguished from our non-Bahá'í associates if our lives are adorned with this principle."

~ The Universal House of Justice
to all National Spiritual Assemblies,
July 13, 1972
Compilations, Lights of Guidance, p. 528

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